
I guess all of you have asked themselves what is biological dentistry? What does it include and what exclude?

The term biological dentistry refers to dentistry that considers the ‘human’ organism in a ‘biological’ way. In this respect, the mastica- tory system is considered to be very closely linked to the body as a whole. After all, almost all of the sensory organs are arranged around the masticatory system, and the brain is located in its immediate vicinity. The importance of the masticatory system is also evidenced by the fact that the 5th cranial nerve (trigeminal nerve) occupies 50 % of the total space occupied by the 12 cranial nerves.

Not only do the meridians traverse the tooth system, they are also activated on a daily basis by the 15.000 tooth contacts. Edentulism (toothlessness) therefore involves the degeneration of the associated meridian, which may be sought to be offset by acupuncture or reflexology. It is thus extremely important to ensure that each tooth position is mobilised by a healthy tooth, or at least a neutral ceramic implant.

Both the statics of the spine and the blood circulation in the brain and its venous drainage depend on the status of the mandibular joint. On the one hand, a loss of bite height compresses the region containing the large vessels to and from the brain. In the first instance, this means that the blood flow to the brain is not sufficiently guaranteed (a
1 mm loss in bite height reduces the flow of blood in the brain by around 50 %!). On the other hand, toxins and waste products from the brain can only drain off via a sufficiently wide jugular vein. This is all the more important as the brain does not have a lymphatic system, such removal being performed by the ‘gly-A lymphatic system’: During the night, the brain cells shrink, thus generating a cavity between the cells through which these toxins can drain off. A precondition for this, however, is that all sources of stress are deactivated at night. These include all EMF sources, such as mobile communication devices or Wi-Fi, etc. Unfortunately, other than our oral system, there is no other organ or area of the body that is so riddled with heavy metals, alloys, toxic materials, dead bodily organs and inflammation. Thus, dentistry is, for instance, the only medical discipline to even consider leaving a dead organ in the body. This is why some 60 % of all chronic diseases originate in the masticatory system.
Another fatal disturbing factor of modern times is due to the gums being part of the ectoderm (body exterior), while the bones are part of the endoderm (body interior). If we eat something toxic, this will still be in the stomach and intestine in the ectoderm, i.e. on the exterior of the body. It will only be positioned in the endoderm once it has been reabsorbed. If then the link between the gums (ectoderm) and the bones (endoderm) is destroyed, as is the case in

almost all people nowadays when periodontitis sets in, then pathogens and toxins can enter the body directly just like a Trojan horse; this is a shock to the immune system and is the reason why gum diseases emphatically increase the risk of heart diseases. What is outstanding about ceramic implants is that the gum grows onto the ceramic, thereby securely locking the ‘immunological gateways’. By contrast, no gum tissue ever grows on titanium, meaning that a titanium implant keeps the immunological gateways permanently wide open.

The biological dentistry approach thus lies in accepting these logical relationships, taking them into account in all decisions and actions, and deriving a treatment concept from them that is as simple as it is highly efficient: all non-biological or non-neutral materials are removed, duly taking maximum protective measures. All dead organ parts and inflammation are removed by activating the immune system but without damaging it in the process by the use of chemical drugs. The masticatory system is preserved and reconstructed using metal-free and neutral materials, always taking care to maintain or restore the anatomy, bones and soft tissue, and therefore aesthetics.

The links between disorders of the masticatory system and the rest of the body, as well as the need for their restora- tion has long been acknowledged and has been described in detail by Weston Price, Hans Meining, Johann Lechner, Boyd Haley, Dietrich Klinghardt, Joachim Mutter and many others. Up until now, however, the dilemma has been that at the end of the ‘necessary clean-up’, a ‘trail of destruc- tion’ was often left behind, where gaps then had to be further treated with prostheses and bone grafts.

Often, patients did not feel able to engage socially for weeks, suffered severe pain and massive swelling, and it sometimes took years to regain even a semblance of anatomical and aesthetic appeal.

This was the handicap of holistic dentistry in the past: although patients understood the need for radical treat- ment to achieve better health, they did not agree with the solution being offered.

​Let me know if you would be interested in learning more about the difference between biological dentistry and holistic/natur-opathic dentistry…

Wish you all a good day, Coco

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