Caroline Vollmann: Dental Surgeon at SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC

Caroline Vollmann

Dentist for biological dentistry and ceramic implants

Sports dentist


Career / Vita

Caroline Vollmann, born and raised in the Ruhrgebiet, a region of North Rhine-Westphalia, moved to southern Germany at a young age to study. There she completed her dental state examination at the University of Ulm as the best in her class and in the shortest possible study time with top grades.

Her father, who is also an implant dentist, awakened her interest in the dental profession at a young age. Caroline is still fascinated by the varied combination of medical, technical and interpersonal attributes.

With her first contact with biological dentistry at SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION, she discovered her enthusiasm for the biological treatment principles according to the SWISS BIOHEALTH CONCEPT – not least because she herself can strongly identify with the holistic approaches due to her great sport and health awareness. Thus, in her private life, in addition to a healthy lifestyle, she regularly pursues eventful sports in nature, such as horseback riding, kite surfing, tennis, jogging or skiing.

During her residency in her father’s practice, Caroline treated both biologically and non-biologically and was thus able to see the advantages of biological dentistry directly in comparison. At SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC, she offers both the surgical and prosthetic service spectrum of biological dentistry.

In addition to her work as a dentist in the clinic, she learned the ART® (Autonomous Response Test) technique both during personal shadowing sessions with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt and Sabine Schliebusch and at the SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION CENTER.

At the SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION CENTER, she was herself a lecturer just one month after starting at the clinic and thus immediately became an integral part of the SWISS BIOHEALTH ACADEMY. Here she continues to teach other dentists today, using lectures and practical courses to teach prosthodontics in conjunction with SDS ceramic implants.

Motivated by her passion for sports, she successfully obtained her certification as a sports dentist in 2020.

During your stay at SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC, Caroline will always put YOUR well-being first. Her aspiration is to always treat her fellow human beings and patients with great respect, empathically and cordially.

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