Dr. Josephine Phillips (Tietje): Dentist of SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC


Dr. Josephine Phillips

Specialist in biological dentistry

Specialist in Oral Surgery

Since 2018 in the team of the SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC

Career / Vita

Dr. Josephine Phillips, born in Hamburg, acquired the International Cambridge A-Levels with top marks and studied biochemistry at Jacobs University because of her interest in the scientific field.  She then took up the study of dentistry at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Muenster and achieved the the best state examinations of her semester (2013) throughout all courses.  Soon later, she obtained her doctor’s degree, researching in the University’s Clinic for endovascular surgery and the St. Franziscus Hospital Muenster.  The dissertation is focused on minimally invasive techniques used in the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurisms, investigating the data of a large patient cohort.


Due to her enthusiasm for oral surgery, she chose to specialize in the field and has concluded the four-year specialization successfully. In the past years, she has treated patients in a renowned private practice, a large maxillofacial practice and the central oral and maxillofacial clinic in Bremen. Her strong interest in organic nutrition and holistic medicine has aroused her passion for biological dentistry.

Dentist Dr. Phillips (Tietje)

Dr. Josephine Phillips has supported our team since the beginning of 2018.  With routine and experience, empathy and a calm operation atmosphere, she is responsible for all surgical procedures – be it bone grafting, implant placement, sinus floor elevation, cavitation treatment or complex wisdom tooth removal.  The base of her treatment is built by the groundwork of biological dentistry, spanning specifically gentle incision techniques, respecting the blood supply of the tissues, careful suture procedures, PRF-treatment, ozone application and maximum bone protection.  Dr. Josephine Philips has placed several hundred ceramic implants at the SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC and has built up a rich, dependable field of experience in ceramic implantology.


At the SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION CENTER she is continually extending her knowledge, taking part in courses on ART testing (Dr. Klinghardt), i-PRF/a-PRF treatments (Prof. Choukroun / Dr. Simonpieri), neural therapy (Dr. Wander) and numerous other courses.  On the international level the focus is set on biological dentistry and medicine; advanced trainings with the DGZI and DGI, the ISMI (International Society of Metal-Free Implantology) and the Hamburg Forum of innovative Implantology.  She has already published articles in scientific journals, performed the live-operation of the international meeting “Giornate Veronesi” in Italy and is a speaker of the SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUACTION herself.  To spread the word of biologic dentistry on the international level, further out-of-house lectures and poster-presentations are planned for the future.

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